Department of Electrical Engineering,
Yeungnam University, Republic of KOREA
[Research Interests]
[Biographical Reference ]
Research Interests
Listed below are the research interests of the ANDC Lab in the area of Control Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, and AI.
- Control Theories: Robust, Adaptive, and Optimal Control
- Control Applications
- Neuro-Science/Fuzzy Systems/Neural Networks
- IoT and AI with Deep Learning
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Complex Networks/Large-Scale Systems
- Intelligent Vehicles/Embedded Control Systems
- Chaotic Systems and Its applications
- Applied Mathematics: Stability of Dynamic Systems
- Delay-Differential Equations/Systems: Retarded or Neutral
- Mathematical Biosciences
Selected Recent Academic Funds
- Learning-Based Control for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Networks and Their Applications to Practical Systems, supported by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRFK), 2023.03.01 - 2026.02.28. (Principal Investigator)
- Regional Leading Research Center
for autonomous vehicle parts and materials innovation, supported
by NRFK, 2019.09.01 - 2026.02.28. (IT-Logic Group Leader)
Images from Recent Works
(IEEE Tr. ASE, 2024.): "Optimal Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Voltage Source Inverter" in collaboration with Prof. H. Shen.
(IEEE Tr. TIM, 2024.)
(CPS: Islanded Microgrid from a recent work of Dr. B. Zhang.)